Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 7

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1) 18v-19v: <Adpendix rhetorica in Hephaestionis enchiridion>.
2) 1r-38r: Hephaestion, sec. II Hephaestionis enchiridion.
3) 46r-63r: Longinus, Cassius, c. 213-270 περὶ τοῦ ἰαμβικοῦ μέτρου, περὶ τῶν ἐν [[τοῖς]] στίχοις παθῶν, ὅπως γίνεται τὰ ἔπη χωλά, περὶ συνιζήσεως,
4) <II> 71r-82r: Hephaestion, sec. II Anonymi de metris
5) <III> 89r-96r: Hephaestion, sec. II Anonymi de metris
6) 1r-35v, 37v-64r: Hephaestion, sec. II Hephaestionis Enchiridion
7) 35v-36r: Hephaestion, sec. II Hephaestionis <excerpta e disputatione de στροφή et ἀντίστροφος>

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