Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 8

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Bibliographic references:
1) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The ideal master of the Mediaeval University, In Catholic Historical Review
Bibliographic references:
2) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The ideal master of the Mediaeval University, In Catholic Historical Review
Bibliographic references:
3) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The ideal master of the Mediaeval University, In Catholic Historical Review
Bibliographic references:
4) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 «Via antiqua» and «Via moderna» and the migration of Paris students and masters to the German universities in the fifteenth century, In Antiqui und Moderni (Miscellanea mediaevalia, 9), 1974
Bibliographic references:
5) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The ideal master of the Mediaeval University, In Catholic Historical Review 1974
Bibliographic references:
6) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The role of the canons of Prémontré in the intellectual movements of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, In Gederkback orde van Prémontré 1121-1971, 1971
Bibliographic references:
7) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The ideal master of the Mediaeval University, In Catholic Historical Review 1974
Bibliographic references:
8) Gabriel, Astrik László, O.Praem., 1907-2005 The role of the canons of Prémontré in the intellectual movements of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, In Gedenkboek orde van Prémontré: 1121-1971,

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