Manuscripts Catalogue

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Bibliographic references:
1) Proverbio, Delio Vania Alle origini delle collezioni librarie orientali, In Le origini della Biblioteca Vaticana tra Umanesimo e Rinascimento (1447-1534), 2010
Bibliographic references:
2) Proverbio, Delio Vania Per una storia del fondo dei Vaticani Copti, In Coptic Treasures from the Vatican Library. A Selection of Coptic, Copto-Arabic and Ethiopic Manuscripts. Papers collected on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012), 2012
Bibliographic references:
3) Proverbio, Delio Vania Per una storia del fondo dei Vaticani Copti, In Coptic Treasures from the Vatican Library. A Selection of Coptic, Copto-Arabic and Ethiopic Manuscripts. Papers collected on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012), 2012
Bibliographic references:
4) Proverbio, Delio Vania Turco-syriaca. Un caso estremo di sincretismo linguistico e religioso: i libri di Tommaso Sarrāf da Edessa (XVIII sec) nella Biblioteca portativa di Tommaso Caldeo da Alqôš, In Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae XI, 2004
5) Proverbio, Delio Vania In margine alla versione Osmanli dei vangeli veicolata dal ms. Vat. turco 59, In Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae XIV, 2007
Bibliographic references:
6) Proverbio, Delio Vania Per una storia del fondo dei Vaticani Copti, In Coptic Treasures from the Vatican Library. A Selection of Coptic, Copto-Arabic and Ethiopic Manuscripts. Papers collected on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012), 2012
Bibliographic references:
7) Proverbio, Delio Vania Per una storia del fondo dei Vaticani Copti, In Coptic Treasures from the Vatican Library. A Selection of Coptic, Copto-Arabic and Ethiopic Manuscripts. Papers collected on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012), 2012
Bibliographic references:
8) Proverbio, Delio Vania Alle origini delle collezioni librarie orientali, In Le origini della Biblioteca Vaticana tra Umanesimo e Rinascimento (1447-1534), 2010
9) Proverbio, Delio Vania In margine alla versione Osmanli dei vangeli veicolata dal ms. Vat. turco 59, In Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae XIV, 2007
Bibliographic references:
10) Proverbio, Delio Vania Per una storia del fondo dei Vaticani Copti, In Coptic Treasures from the Vatican Library. A Selection of Coptic, Copto-Arabic and Ethiopic Manuscripts. Papers collected on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012), 2012

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