Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 4

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1) 178r,238r: Iustinianus I, imperatore d'Oriente, 482-565 Glossulae ad Codicem Iust. [lib. I-IX] cum glossa Accursii
2) 242r: Escarbot, Arnal, f. 1311-1316 Glossula Arnaldi Scarboti ad Digestum Novum cum glossa Accursii.
3) 1r-288v: Infortiatum cum Glossa Accursii (mancum in capite et in fine), additis glossulis anonymis et siglatis.
4) 179r: Escarbot, Arnal, f. 1311-1316 Glossulae Arnaldi Scaraboti ad Infortiatum cum glossa Accursii.

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