Manuscripts Catalogue

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1) Psalmi; Odae. sec. XI
Bibliographic references:
2) Olster, David Byzantine Hermeneutics after Iconoclasm: Word and Image in the Leo Bible, In Byzantion 1994
3) Weyl Carr, Annemarie A Group of Provincial Manuscripts from the Twelfth Century, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1982
4) Weyl Carr, Annemarie Traditio and Inventio: The Sacredness of a Parallel, In Byzantine Studies Conference 8 (Abstracts of Papers, 15-17 Oct. 1982), 1982
5) Fitzgerald, Wilma "Ocelli nominum": Names and Shelf Marks of Famous/Familiar Manuscripts (I), In Mediaeval Studies 1983
6) Lowden, John Observations on Illustrated Byzantine Psalters, In Art Bulletin 1988
7) Lafontaine-Dosogne, Jacqueline, 1928-1995 Le problème des influences byzantines dans la peinture, principalement la miniature, de la Germanie médiévale, In Scriptorium
8) Belting, Hans, 1935- Zum Palatina-Psalter des 13. Jahrhunderts, In Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik
9) Ĺ agi, Janko, S.I. Problema historiae codicis B, In Divus Thomas. Commentarium de philosophia et theologia
10) Cutler, Anthony, 1934- The Spencer Psalter: a thirteenth century Byzantine manuscript in the New York Public Library, In Cahiers archéologiques

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