Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 59
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1) Libro corale con mottetti sec. XVI in.
2) 3v-10r: Brumel, Antoine, n.c. 1460-1512/13 Laudate dominum de celis
3) 11v-15r: Mouton, Jean, c. 1459-1522 Sancti dei omnes
4) 15v-19r: Compère, Loyset, c. 1445-1518 Ad honorem tuum
5) 19v-22r: Brumel, Antoine, n.c. 1460-1512/13 Ave cuius conceptio
6) 22v-24r: Josquin des Prez, c. 1440-1521 Ave Maria, gratia plena
7) 25v-31r: Mouton, Jean, c. 1459-1522 Missus est Gabriel
8) 31v-35r: Mirandum commercium
9) 36v-41r: Obrecht, Jacob, m. 1505 Factor orbis deus
10) 41v-47r: Josquin des Prez, c. 1440-1521 Liber generationis Iesu Christi

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