Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 5

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Bibliographic references:
1) Eldredge, L. M., 1931- The Textual Tradition of Benvenutus Grassus' «De arte probatissima oculorum», In Studi medievali 1993
2) Green, Monica H. Medieval Gynecological Texts: A Handlist, In Women’s Healthcare in the Medieval West, 2000
3) Kedar, Benjamin Z. Benvenutus Grapheus of Jerusalem, an oculist in the era of the Crusades, In Korot. The Israel Journal of the History of Medicine and Science 1995
4) Fortuna, Stefania Corrigenda and Addenda to Diels’ Galenica by Richard J.Durling: III. Manuscripts and editions, In Traditio. Studies in ancient and medieval history, thought and religion 2006
5) Montuschi, Claudia, 1971- Le biblioteche di Heidelberg in Vaticana: i fondi palatini, In La Vaticana nel Seicento (1590-1700): una biblioteca di biblioteche, a cura di Claudia Montuschi (Storia della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 3), 2014.

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