Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 6

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Bibliographic references:
1) Paxton, Frederick S. "Bonus liber": A Late Carolingian Clerical Manual from Lorsch, In The two laws. Studies in medieval history dedicated to S. Kuttner, 1990
2) Kottje, Raymund Busspraxis und Bussritus, In Segni e riti nella chiesa altomedievale occidentale, 11-17 apr. 1985, 1987
3) Bouhot, Jean-Paul Les pénitentiels attribués à Bède le Vénérable et à Egbert d'York, In Revue d’histoire des textes 1986
4) Kottje, Raymund Ehe und Eheverständnis in der vorgratianischen Bussbüchern, In Love and marriage in the twelfth century, 1981
5) Frantzen, A.J. The Penitentials Attributed to Bede, In Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies 1983
6) Montuschi, Claudia, 1971- Le biblioteche di Heidelberg in Vaticana: i fondi palatini, In La Vaticana nel Seicento (1590-1700): una biblioteca di biblioteche, a cura di Claudia Montuschi (Storia della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 3), 2014.

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