Manuscripts Catalogue

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Bibliographic references:
1) Choulis, Konstantinos, The relationship between Byzantine and «alla greca» bookbinding structure. A preliminary study on structural elements of «alla greca» bindings in the Vatican Library (Fondo Antico Vatt. gr. 1-1217), In La reliure médiévale. Pour une description normalisée. Actes du colloque international (Paris, 22-24 mai 2003), 2008
2) Kavrus-Hoffmann, Nadezhda Greek Manuscripts at Dumbarton Oaks: Codicological and Paleographic Description and Analysis, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1996
3) Nelson, Robert S., 1947- The Italian Appreciation and Appropriation of illuminated Byzantine Manuscripts, ca. 1200-1450, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1995
4) Nelson, Robert S., 1947- Relative size and comparative value in Byzantine illuminated manuscripts: some quantitatives perspectives, In Paleografia e codicologia greca. Atti del II Colloquio internazionale (Berlino – Wolfenbüttel 17-21 ott. 1983), 1991
5) Nelson, Robert S., 1947- The Palaeologina Group: Additional Manuscripts and New Questions, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1991
6) Pérez Martín, Inmaculada Irene Cumno y el ‘Taller de la Paleologuina’, In Scrittura e civiltà 1995
7) Tomei, Angela Il Tetravangelo greco della Biblioteca Fabroniana di Pistoia (ms. 307), In Medioevo e Rinascimento 1994
8) Boskovits, Miklós, 1935- Officina pisana: il XIII secolo, In Arte cristiana 2006
9) Ciccuto, Marcello Dall’eterno nel tempo. Fra la bibbia di Gerona e il Livio di Petrarca, In Rivista di storia della miniatura 2001
10) Nelson, Robert S., 1947- The Manuscripts of Antonios Malakes and the Collecting and Appreciation of illuminated Books in the Early Palaeologan Period, In Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 1986

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