Manuscripts Catalogue

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1) Lezionario dei Vangeli. sec. XIII med.
Bibliographic references:
2) Christoforaki, Ioanna An Unusual Representation of the Incredulity from Lusignan Cyprus, in CArch 48 (2000) 71-88. In Cahiers archéologiques 2000
3) Cruikshank Dodd, Erica The Monastery of Mar Musa al-Habashi, near Nebek, Syria. Appendix I: Syriac Inscriptions (J. C. McCullough); Appendix II: Arabic Inscriptions (K. Tweir), In Arte medievale 1991
4) Doumato, Lamia The Art of Bishop Dioscorus Theodorus: Interpreting Syriac Miniatures in the Crusader East, In Arte cristiana 1999
5) Hunt, Lucy-Anne The Syriac Buchanan Bible in Cambridge: Book Illumination in Syria, Cilicia and Jerusalem of the later Twelfth-Century, In Orientalia Christiana Periodica 1991
6) Hunt, Lucy-Anne Cultural Transmission: Illustrated Biblical Manuscripts from the Medieval Eastern Christian and Arab Worlds, In The Bible as Book; the Manuscript Tradition, 1998
7) Knipp, David An ‘Early Christian’ Terracotta Altar , In Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 1996
8) Koshi, Koichi Ikonographische Betrachtungen zu den Wunderszenen in der St. Georgskirche von Oberzell auf der Bodensee-Insel Reichenau, In Aachener Kunstblätter 1991-93
9) Nicolaïdès, Andréas L'église de la Panagia Arakiotissa à Lagoudéra Chypre: Etude iconographique des fresques de 1192, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1996
10) Schiemenz, Günter P. Das Schloß der Hadespforte, In Cahiers archéologiques 1993

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