Manuscripts Catalogue

ID: 194612
General information

Locus 121v-3r
Other name Seʿadyah ben Yosef‏, Gaʾon, 882-942, translator
Supplied title [תרגום רס"ג לתורה].
Supplied title Arabic translation of the Pentateuch.
Uniform title Biblia. V.T. Pentateuchus. Arabo
General note [תרגום רס"ג לתורה] Arabic translation of the Pentateuch by Saadiah b. Joseph al-Fayyumi (Gaon). In Arabic characters.
General note Missing from Deuteronomy xxxii:28 to the end.
General note Throughout the manuscript, but mostly towards the end, the scribe omitted some of the opening Hebrew words and a later hand added them in the margins. The same hand, or another late hand added the chapter and verse numbers.
General note There are also notes in the margins in Arabic and at least one note in Latin added by an early hand.

Hypertextual links
Other author/nameSeʿadyah ben Yosef‏, Gaʾon, 882-942
Uniform titleBiblia. V.T. Pentateuchus. Arabo