Manuscripts Catalogue

ID: 198110
General information
Shelfmark Vat.ebr.247

Locus 177v-182r
Author Yeḥiʼel, ha-Leṿi. Opere spurie e dubbie (internal)
Title הלכות טבילה,
Title דין פדיון הבן.
Supplied title Laws of ritual immersion,
Supplied title Laws of redemption of the firstborn.
Summary Laws of ritual immersion and laws of redemption of the firstborn
Explicit text סליק דין בכור מפרישת הרב ר' יחיאל הלוי זצק"ל (f. 182r) Laws of redemption of the firstborn
General note Two small treatises copied at the end of several other manuscripts of this work, הלכות טבילה laws of ritual immersion and דין פדיון הבן laws of redemption of the firstborn attributed to Jehiel ha-Levi.

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Shelfmark Vat.ebr.247
AuthorYeḥiʼel, ha-Leṿi. Opere spurie e dubbie