Manuscripts Catalogue

ID: 312871
General information
Shelfmark Capp.Sist.76
Date sec. XVI ex.
Beginning date 1575
Ending date 1600
Country Italia
Place' Roma, Cappella Sistina
Support carta
Height 470
Width 370
Extent 193 (<1>+1-191+<1>)
Overview Libro corale con messi, inni, mottetti e uno Magnificat

General note Ff. 120-133 misurano 466x340; Scribi: Johannes Parvus, Luca Orfei del Fano.
Bibliography Brauner, Mitchell P., 'The Parvus Manuscripts: A Study of Vatican Polyphony, ca. 1535 to 1580' (Ph.D. diss., Brandeis University, 1982).
Bibliography Brobeck, J., 'The Motet at the Court of Francis I' (Ph.D. diss, University of Pennsylvania, 1991).
Bibliography Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1500, Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1979-1988 [Renaissance Manuscript Studies, 1], IV, p. 58.
Bibliography Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music [online description]: (1998-).
Bibliography Grafinger, Christina M., 'Die Musikhandschriften des Archivs der Cappella Pontificia und ihre Entlehnung im 19. Jahrundert', in Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari 9 (1995), 45-54.
Bibliography Keil, Klaus, 'Die Texte der Motetten in den Handschriften von Johannes Parvus, Schreiber der Capella Sistina zwischen 1535 und 1580', in Joerg O. Fichte et al (ed.), Zusammenhänge, Einflüsse, Wirkungen. Kongressakten zum ersten Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes in Tübingen, 1984 (Berlin, 1986), 196-210.
Bibliography Llorens Cisteró, José M., Capellae Sixtinae Codices (Città del Vaticano, 1960).
Bibliography Marvin, Clara, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: A Guide to Research (New York, 2002).
Bibliography Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM, ID 857000061)
Bibliography Schuler, Richard J., 'The Life and Liturgical Works of Giovanni Maria Nanino (1545-1607)' (Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota,1963).
Bibliography Sol, Manuel del, 'Rethinking Victoria's Lamentations in Post-Tridentine Rome', in Javier Suarez-Pajares and Manual del Sol (ed.), Estudios. Tomás Luis de Victoria (Madrid, 2013), 55-75.

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Shelfmark Capp.Sist.76