Manuscripts Catalogue

ID: 312924
General information
Shelfmark Capp.Sist.45
Date sec. XVI in.
Beginning date 1510
Ending date 1514
Country Italia
Place' Roma
Support carta
Height 557
Width 425
Extent 211 (<1>+<3>+1-204+<3>)
Overview Libro corale con messe e mottetti

General note Scribe: Johannes Orceau, Claudius Gellandi
Bibliography Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1500, Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1979-1988 [Renaissance Manuscript Studies, 1], IV, pp. 48-49.
Bibliography Clinkscale, E.H., 'The Complete Works of Antoine de Févin' (Ph.D diss., New York University, 1965).
Bibliography Cummings, Anthony M., 'A Florentine Sacred Repertory from the Medici Restoration.' in Acta Musicologica 55 (1983), 267-332.
Bibliography Cummings, Anthony M., 'Musical Patronage in the Early Sixteenth Century: New Perspectives', in Studi musicali 10 (1981), 197-216.
Bibliography Dean, Jeffrey J., 'Johannes Brunet and Nato Canunt Omnia', in Revista de Musicologia 16/5 (1993), 2656-72.
Bibliography Dean, Jeffrey J., 'The Scribes of the Sistine Chapel 1501-1527' (Ph.D. diss, University of Chicago, 1984).
Bibliography Grafinger, Christina M., 'Die Musikhandschriften des Archivs der Cappella Pontificia und ihre Entlehnung im 19. Jahrundert', in Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari 9 (1995), 45-54.
Bibliography Hucke, Helmut, 'Die Musik in der Sixtinischen Kapelle bis zur Zeit Leos X', in Joerg Fichte et al. (ed.), Zusammenhänge, Einflüsse, Wirkungen. Kongressakten zum ersten Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes in Tübingen (Berlin, 1986), 154-67.
Bibliography Hudson, B. (ed.), Antoine Brumel: Opera Omnia (Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 5) (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1969-72).
Bibliography Keahey, T.H., and Douglas, C. (ed.), Johannes Prioris: Opera Omnia (Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 90) (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982-85).
Bibliography Kempster, William G., Pierre de la Rue's Missa Pourquoy non: Consolidating the Case for Re-Evaluation through Motivic Analysis, paper presented at the Pierre de la Rue Conference in Mechelen, Belgium, 2018. (online)
Bibliography Kempster, William G., 'Pierre de la Rue's "Missa Pourquoy non": A Case for Re-Evaluation', in The Choral Scholar (online journal of the National Collegiate Choral Organisation) 5/2 (2016), 27-44.
Bibliography Llorens Cisteró, José M., Capellae Sixtinae Codices (Città del Vaticano, 1960).
Bibliography Minor, Andrew C. and MacCracken, Thomas G. (ed.), Jean Mouton: Opera Omnia (Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 43) (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1988-2014).
Bibliography Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (Rism,, ID 857000030).
Bibliography Rifkin, J., 'Ein römisches Messenrepertoire am bayerischen Hof-Bemerkungen zum Wolfenbütteler Chorbuch A Aug. 2° und zu seinem Umkreis', Paper read at colloquium "Formen und Probleme der Überlieferung mehrstimmiger Musik im Zeitalter Josquins Desprez", held at Wolfenbüttel, September 14-17, 1976.
Bibliography Rifkin, J., 'Scribal Concordances for Some Renaissance Manuscripts in Florentine Libraries', in Journal of the American Musicological Society 26 (1973), 305-26.
Bibliography Sherr, R., Papal Music Manuscripts in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries (Renaissance Manuscript Studies 5) (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1996).
Bibliography Sherr, R., 'A Workshop on Josquin's Masses', in Edward E. Lowinsky (ed.), Josquin des Prez: Proceedings of the International Josquin Festival-Conference...21-25 June 1971 (London et al., 1976), 713.
Bibliography Sherr, R., 'The Papal Chapel ca. 1492-1513 and Its Polyphonic Sources' (Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 1975).
Bibliography Staehelin, Martin, Die Messen Heinrich Isaacs (Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft, Serie II, 28, I-III) (Bern-Stuttgart, 1977).
Bibliography Wexler, R., 'The Complete Works of Johannes Prioris' (Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1974).

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Shelfmark Capp.Sist.45